Building Habits

When you want to live a healthy lifestyle, it’s all about incorporating each healthy lifestyle aspect into your day as a daily habit that over time will become automatic. Over time, the little things will add up and make a big impact. Each habit should be done at the same time every day. That’s how it sticks. It trains the brain by strengthening neurons associated with the activitiy. Start small too. Don’t jump into 100 push ups every day. Start with 1 push up every day and bump it up by 1 every few days or every week. Pick a time where you will remember to do it every day and where it fits into your schedule. In the beginning, set a timer to help remember to do it.
Habit stacking helps integrate a new habit into the daily routine. You basically take a habit you always do everyday without thinking. After doing it, you immediately do the new habit. For example, I built a habit learning a language on Duolingo and a burst of exercise after dinner. I make dinner, eat dinner, do dishes, do a burst of exercise and then spend 5 minutes learning on Duolingo.
Every day goes by whether you build the habit or not. Build the habit now, so you’re not looking back in a year wishing you had already done it.

Pick something good for you that you can add into your day. Start off with something manageable and done in a short amount of time that works for you.


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