Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates

I had always thought that one’s health was just luck of the draw and there was nothing you could do to change it. Learning that I could change my health based on how I lived was eye opening. Achieving better health isn’t based on short term diets. It’s achieved through ongoing lifestyle changes. In the end, these lifestyle changes are pretty basic, simple and well worth the effort.

I’m a software developer, but have been learning about holistic health and wellness since 2009. The hope of this site is to help spread information on how anyone can improve their health through lifestyle changes. Blog posts detail the health information that I have learned and practices that I implement in my daily life to improve my health. Health isn’t one size fits all, but there are basic concepts that are free, easy to apply and are a good place to start in taking control of your health.

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